As could have been predicted, the dumbing down of America has provided opportunities for “business consultants” whose true value-add to their clients is tiny, if it exists at all. Here’s a guy whose only guiding principle is advising his clients …
As could have been predicted, the dumbing down of America has provided opportunities for “business consultants” whose true value-add to their clients is tiny, if it exists at all. Here’s a guy whose only guiding principle is advising his clients …
As a subscriber, you probably noticed that I haven’t published this newsletter in quite a while (though the frequency of blog posts on the website hasn’t diminished; we have a total of 15,700+, growing daily). Perhaps an explanation is in …
In the 21st Century, the stakes associated with collective bargaining aren’t as high as they were 100 years ago, when we were talking about matters of life and death. That said, it’s good to see union ranks swelling in response …
There is no doubt that corporate price gouging is a problem insofar that it’s driving inflation. In this case I would point out that Walmart has competitors, e.g., Costco. a company that has a policy of basing prices on costs. …
This from senior energy analyst Robert Rapier on the graph below: GDP is one of the most important economic indicators. This measures the monetary value of all the stuff a country makes in a year. It is also used to …
Re: the meme here, a reader opines: Brandon has nothing to do with it. No politician had anything to do with it. I agree that, generally, U.S. presidents tend to get too much credit when things go right, and too …
If you’re a grocery retailer, especially a convenience store, refusing to sell bottled water will lead to an immediate and severe reduction to your income stream. Accordingly, I’d like to extend my kudos to whomever wrote this note on his …
What FDR said here 75 years ago provides insight into where we are now, where we have a Supreme Court justice taking bribes and a climate change mitigation strategy that’s stuck in the mud, due to the fact that the …
What American author and journalist William Blum says here seems correct. The reason trickle-down economics doesn’t work is that making rich people richer does not provide them with any incentive to hire additional people. I had over 100 employees at …
There is no doubt that the author of the meme here has identified a problem with our food system, though I would argue that it’s not the problem. In addition to potatoes, the recipe for McDonald’s French fries includes a …