I don’t know anyone dumb enough to believe he has one.
I don’t know anyone dumb enough to believe he has one.
FWIW, I’m still predicting that Trump is going to face legal consequences for trying to overthrow the U.S. government via a violent insurrection.
At left we have a handful of irrelevant facts. Knowing all this, Trump appointed Gaetz to be the U.S. attorney general, to the sheer delight of the MAGA right. The only relevant fact here is that Gaetz comes from an …
I just came back from the gym where, unfortunately, they have one of their televisions locked on Fox News. I noticed a segment called Voters Eagerly Await Trump’s Return to White House. This is a good example of a key …
For better or worse, there will never be another revolution here in the U.S., given our nation’s annual military budget that’s just shy of $1 trillion. That said, what Che Guevara said here about revolutionaries and education is quite interesting. …
Here’s something from 20th Century playright Thornton Wilder. The problem is that “nonsense” comes in a variety of different flavors, and some of them are more harmful than others. Just turn on the news, and you’ll see what I mean. …
If you think this guy should have been tapped to be attorney general, our nation’s highest law enforcement official, you have the moral sensibilities required to be a member of the MAGA crowd.
Is someone trying to tell me that parents are prevented from knowing what their children are being taught in school? Ridiculous. Both my kids went through the local public high school, and I became thoroughly familiar with the curriculum by …
What this gentleman needs to understand is that: 1) The MAGA crowd / Trump base is overtly racist; they openly applaud garbage like this. and 2) The rest of us are overwhelmed by the torrent of outrageous behavior from Trump …
I could be wrong, but I believe that Trump has made at least some of his picks simply to create outrage. Attorney General? How about an alleged statutory rapist and sex trafficker? Couldn’t get any more insane than that, right? …