I’ll grant that the Albert Einsteins of the world are actually harmed by schooling. Of course they’re bored, but perhaps worse, their capacity to employ their creative genius is thwarted by the authority of the academic status quo. It’s worth …
I’ll grant that the Albert Einsteins of the world are actually harmed by schooling. Of course they’re bored, but perhaps worse, their capacity to employ their creative genius is thwarted by the authority of the academic status quo. It’s worth …
I was on a Zoom call the other day with a guy who was defending Fox News on the basis that it’s “for people who want both sides of the story.” The cartoon at left speaks to this. If you’re …
The removal of dams is a good thing environmentally, but only if there is a low-carbon way to offset the loss of that clean energy onto the grid. There is a feature-length documentary on this subject called “Dam Nation” that …
Here’s an example of the sad fact that any idea can be introduced to the American public without an iota of truth, and will be immediately adopted as fact by a significant number. This is even worse than things we …
I can’t deny that the scenario here happened occasionally. What happened to me personally, is that if I had a burning desire to know something, I’d ask a teacher of that specific discipline, or perhaps my grandfather, who was a …
This lady expresses exactly what I try to tell kids who think they hate (or are terrified of) physics but are good at math. Physics is just math applied to the real world. If I’m tutoring someone who’s taken first-year …
I’m sure the meme here was an attempt at humor on the author’s part, but the serious side of learning/teaching the subject is worth a comment. I would never introduce even elementary physics to a kid who’s not proficient in …
While I don’t believe that God is going to interview me when I leave this planet, I get the point here.
Please take a second to read this dialog between Stephen Colbert and Neil DeGrasse Tyson. Is this what would have surprised Carl Sagan most? I doubt it. From what I can remember, he had a low opinion of our civilization …
How 20th Century Astronomer Carl Sagan Would Regard Today’s Society Read More »
Question: Primatologist Jane Goodall asserts three reasons for her optimism about the ultimate disposition of our planet’s health. One is shown at left, i.e., all we need to do is stop poisoning and otherwise harming our Earth, and it will …