Why has the U.S. fallen to its lowest happiness ranking ever? Well, most Americans harbor at least one, often many, deep concerns about their country’s ongoing capacity to support a strong quality of life. Some of us are worried about …
On an almost daily basis, readers send me news articles like the one at left that raise the question: why are Trump supporters so much more likely than progressives to be involved in criminal activities, and, as an example, sex …
There is no question that the world needs a bumper crop of peace-makers, rather than a few more billionaires demanding tax cuts at the expense of the common man. But how could this possibly come about? In particular, who are …
Bernie Sanders has this to say on the graph here: “Stress kills.” To that I would add the multiplicity of other stuff that kills poor people: malnutrition, shoddy healthcare, living in communities whose air and water are polluted, dangerous professions, …
This reminds of us of what Tom Joad said at the end of Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath, when someone asked him where he was going: I’ll be everywhere, wherever there’s a fight so hungry people can eat, I’ll be …
Human civilization finds itself at a crossroads, where it needs to choose between things like democracy vs. authoritarianism/fascism, and environmental sustainability vs. eco-collapse. Until and unless “the good guys win,” I’m just as happy for this planet to remain unengaged …
In an earlier post, Destroying America, I speculated that it is the decline in U.S. educational standards that is responsible for our electing “a conman with the IQ of a jar of mayonnaise.” At left is a slightly different take …
The reader who supplied the meme here doesn’t know that I’m one of very few Americans between the ages of 15 and 90 who’s never spent a dime at Starbucks. For me, it’s a blend of boycotting and common sense. …
The United States federal government will soon abdicate its role in ensuring that all young Americans are academically prepared to be successful in their lives. Of course, we all saw this coming from Trump’s first term in office, where his …
Saying Goodbye to the U.S. Department of Education Read More »
FWIW, I boycott Amazon, etc. 365 days per year, year after year, because I don’t approve of how Bezos behaves on this planet, and in particular how he treats his employees.