One might think that the Republicans’ abuse of women would be a death knell to their candidacy in 2024, given that (slightly) more than half of registered voters are female. Yes, there are a few fanatical Christians who think that …
One might think that the Republicans’ abuse of women would be a death knell to their candidacy in 2024, given that (slightly) more than half of registered voters are female. Yes, there are a few fanatical Christians who think that …
I clicked on this ad from “Modern Fuels,” in the hopes of learning about some breakthrough in our planet’s use of energy, but I was disappointed to see that it concerned pencils. When was the last time you sent a …
No one can possibly disagree with the statement here. But there’s more to this issue. When these unions make it difficult or impossible to fire our very worst teachers, all decent people draw a line.
In truth, we know essentially nothing about life beyond Earth, but Goethe’s point is a good one nonetheless. The United States may re-elect Donald Trump, unmitigated climate change is on track to destroy our only home, and we’re destroying our …
Apparently, these kitchen composter appliances are selling fairly well. My only issue is this: The process of using substantial amounts of electricity (~200 Watts times 6 hours per day) from the grid to dry out food scraps is most definitely …
A few years ago, I was privileged to hear a talk in a smallish auditorium by the great Ken Burns. Our world is filled with incredible minds, but IMO, Burns is at or very near the top when it comes …
From the Sandy Hook Promise: When the Senate failed to pass background check legislation after my sweet little Daniel was murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary, I was absolutely devastated. I had spent months going from Senate office to Senate office, …
“How do they not see it?” It’s the one-two punch of ignorance and hate. Alternatively put, cult members don’t understand that they’re in a cult.
FWIW, I agree with Michael Foot, Labour Party Member of Parliament in 1980s England. I would add that this whole matter is even simpler now, 40 years later, as the rich have gotten far richer and the poor far poorer. …
If we look up the word “cult,” we find many different meanings, most of which are pejorative. Here are two good examples: a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister. “a …