The meme here is from a group called the “Power of Positivity.” As for me, I like to see a mechanism that suggests that “everything will work out in the end.” Coincidentally, an old friend wrote me earlier today about …
The meme here is from a group called the “Power of Positivity.” As for me, I like to see a mechanism that suggests that “everything will work out in the end.” Coincidentally, an old friend wrote me earlier today about …
The cartoon here makes an important point, albeit in a kind of tongue-in-cheek manner. Conservatives tend to have seizures when schools present materials to the effect that our society isn’t perfect in terms of things like social justice and environmental …
How Our Schools Are Preparing Our Children for Life Read More »
Here’s a short TikTok video that I highly recommend, explaining how and why Americans are particularly weak in critical thinking and in challenging their beliefs.
At left we see a reader’s observation that the world has undergone some fundamental changes in the past few years. And no, he’s not the only one with that perception. From here, it looks like the world is a less …
This sounds good in principle, but is there any honestly here? What are the processes by which these avocado pits are gathered and made into cutlery? How does that compare to plastic itself?
The realization we all need to have concerning the meme at left is that human health is only one category of things that the current administration is in the process of wrecking. Put alternatively, if it can be destroyed, it …
How will alien intelligences regard humankind, when and if we finally meet? It comes down to the criteria they impose. Let’s hope it’s not kindness. Many of the planet’s formerly great societies, including our own, have taken a turn for …
At left are the words of Gene Roddenberry, the creator of the original television series “Star Trek.” The concept that differences in ideas and cultures are something to be regarded as a “delight” is the very soul of “woke.” Encouraging …
I can’t swear the story at left actually happened, but it certainly rings true–especially the end. People who don’t want a more inclusive and fair society truly are “unpleasant.”
I’ve always liked this: Sue gets up at 6 a.m. and fills her coffeepot with water to prepare her morning coffee. The water is clean and good because some tree-hugging liberal fought for minimum water-quality standards. With her first swallow …