The creator of the meme here has every right to his pessimism, and I’ll grant that there is a great deal of evidence that he’s correct, especially given what’s happening regarding the planet’s environment and the political scene here now …
As shown here, the United States ranks #22 in the world in terms of quality of life. Not too bad, actually. But what direction is this headed? Will life for the common America be better or worse, given: • The …
The Human Development Index (HDI) is a summary measure of average achievement in key dimensions of human development: a long and healthy life, being knowledgeable, and having a decent standard of living. The HDI was created to emphasize that people …
The United Nations’ Human Development Index (HDI) Read More »
It’s hard to disagree with the words at left, given that it’s the kid’s decision. College isn’t for everyone in the United States, and that applies, to our shame, to families that can’t afford tuition and the other considerable expenses. …
The other day I ran into a young couple with an infant, who live in a rural part of the U.S. I happened to overhear the father saying that the quality of public education where they live is “terrible,” and …
When Parents Say that Public Education Is Terrible, What Do They Mean? Read More »
May I submit that it’s humor? Everyone’s so serious about everything. Sure, it’s hard to find things that bring smiles to our faces under the present circumstances, but it’s not impossible. Just ask the guy on the left.
Sure, Trump is hostile to environmental health, but even we progressives don’t care too much about that right now. That’s because the collapse of the environment is a slow process that’s happening over decades, and may, with luck, be avoided. …
Why No One Has Too Much Attention on Trump’s Deplorable Environmental Record Read More »
Here are a few words from the Sierra Club: Our public lands are under threat. Elon Musk’s DOGE team has fired thousands of rangers, docents, educators, scientists, and caretakers of the National Park Service, U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Fish and …
We live among people who believe that God wants the United States to function according to the ideals of the modern-day Republican party: • Round up and deport everyone living here without documentation. • Re-instate the death penalty. • Destroy …
The author of the meme here doesn’t seem to understand that the youngsters in DOGE are making policy decisions that do violence to the health, safety, and general well-being of every American, and, indirectly, most of the people in other …