Should you be investing in the tech that converts excess CO2 in the air into sustainable transportation fuels? Well, that suggests that there is such a technology and that this company owns it. Neither is the case. If there is …
Should you be investing in the tech that converts excess CO2 in the air into sustainable transportation fuels? Well, that suggests that there is such a technology and that this company owns it. Neither is the case. If there is …
I advise coming up to speed on high school math and science before making this investment. Of course, these people prey upon ignorance, and there’s plenty of that to go around these days.
This is a scam. How can I be so sure? Because the Earth’s atmosphere is ~400 ppm CO2, meaning that 99.96% of it is something else. There are opportunities to make synthetic fuels out of CO2, but they need to …
An old friend asks, “Given the extreme carbon footprint associated with transoceanic cargo shipping, wouldn’t it be better if we built our products here, rather than import them?” The answer is yes, and such a change would also enable us …
Here’s an article on synthetic fuels in Spanish, beneath which are my (sketchy) translation and comments. El innovador combustible hecho de aire que se está produciendo en Paises Bajos y con el que quieren revolucionar la aviación. La empresa dirigida …
An Unworkable Approach to Synthetic Fuels in The Netherlands Read More »
Synthetic fuels refer to those that don’t come from biological processes; they’re made from bringing together hydrogen and carbon molecules to form hydrocarbons via highly endothermic chemical reactions. Preferably that energy is derived from sources whose off-peak output would otherwise …
These people claim, “A US start-up has created vodka quite literally from thin air – using solar power to convert carbon from the air and convert it into alcohol. It’s now working with NASA to look at other opportunities for …
Here’s a video on synthetic fuels. This is an important topic for people to understand, but this particular presentation contains so many misleading claims, that it does more to confuse and misinform the viewer than to elucidate the subject.
Here’s my monthly post for the Hedge Connection, an online link between investors—now called “allocators”—with hedge fund managers. I contribute articles to their publication called “The Edge,” which is read by a large and growing number of high-level people whose job …
Hedge Connection Publication "The Edge" Features Doty WindFuels Read More »
A very bright reader “BreathOnTheWind” (love the name!) comments on my post on carbon sequestration: Somewhere deep in the core of my being I feel that the answer for carbon must be to find a use for it. If carbon …