I just had the pleasure to meet a young couple from Norway. A couple of interesting elements from our discussion: 1) They live on the southern part of the country, and I told them about the fellow I met recently …
I just had the pleasure to meet a young couple from Norway. A couple of interesting elements from our discussion: 1) They live on the southern part of the country, and I told them about the fellow I met recently …
What Trump says here is true — and how often can we say that? Actually, however, in 1998 the average Republican was far brighter and more discerning that they are now. At this point, nothing seems outrageous. Annex Canada? Invade …
People speculate that Trump’s plan is to bombard the country and the rest of the world with enough outrageous stupidity that some of it sticks, and that it really doesn’t matter which part. Re: the meme here, Trump is a …
The Ultimate Shell Game–It’s Over Here! No It’s Not. Read More »
The reader who sent me this notes: I thought things were supposed to get better. In particular, weren’t prices going to fall? Trump won the 2024 election fair and square; a plurality of voters re-elected a pathological liar to lead …
Well, this really is what progressives are all about: more inclusion and better education. But are smarter and kinder people really destroying our country?
The author of the piece at left makes an excellent point. This is the first time in U.S. history that a rando multibillionaire stepped forward and began to make decisions that affect millions of American children.
Without a doubt, the word “fascist” is overused in modern-day American politics. This is understandable, given the mutual finger-pointing that has become so common in our discourse. A great example from the Clinton-Trump debate in 2016: Clinton: “Trump is a …
Trump’s Top General: Former President Is “a Fascist to the Core” Read More »
Let’s start here: Who exactly is economist Mark Zandi? Mark M. Zandi (born 1959) is the chief economist of Moody’s Analytics, where he directs economic research. Zandi’s research interests encompass macroeconomics, financial markets and public policy. He analyzes the economic impact of …
If there were ever an argument against getting a tattoo, this is it.
18th Century Scottish philosopher David Hume spoke to us on how our minds interact with the world around us to form our base of knowledge, saying, “We always disbelieve the greater miracle.” In other words, when two of our perceptions …