As I’ve mentioned many times, I’ve had the pleasure of reviewing many hundreds–perhaps a thousand–of cleantech business plans. I would say, to be charitable, that maybe one in 20 holds any water. Most of the others are asinine, and some …
Shown here is a bladeless wind turbine that generates electricity from the vibrations the wind sets off in it. The company says it has plans to create a 140 meter turbine with a power capacity of 1 megawatt. Let’s do …
This article ostensibly helps the consumer make the right decision concerning a home wind turbine. Here’s the problem: the concept of small wind, i.e., wind products that generate amounts of electricity suitable for residential use, is not workable. Various attempts …
Virginia’s Dominion Energy has filed construction and operations plans to build a 2.64 GW offshore wind project, located 27 miles off the coast of Virginia Beach, to be completed in 2026. The project will make use of Dominion’s 12 MW …
There’s a report being passed around social media to the effect that the cost of fires in wind turbines could be as high as $9 million. Although I have no way to verify this, I can point out that there …
Question: There are at least three central problems with the idea put forth here, i.e., installing wind turbines under bridges. What are they? Answer: Can be found at Clean Energy Answers. Relevance: A great deal of thought goes into siting …
Here’s a video that will test your understanding of physics, if you don’t have a 5th or 6th grade education. It’s a wind turbine on a kite powered by eight motors that push the device into and through the wind …
Here’s a short video on a new wind turbine concept. A breakthrough? Ahhh… This is bulls***, for three main reasons. a) Wind power is a function of the area of the turbine. Tiny turbines necessarily generate tiny amounts of power.
Occasionally I like to apply some mathematics to claims that are made about renewable energy technology. Pictured here is something called Kitepower, another variation on the theme that we’ve seen so many times over the years.