Who doesn’t like a nice, swift dose of pure bull**** when it comes to renewable energy? Here’s a video on vertical axis wind turbines that, as far as I can decipher, does not contain a single correct assertion. I’ve always …
Who doesn’t like a nice, swift dose of pure bull**** when it comes to renewable energy? Here’s a video on vertical axis wind turbines that, as far as I can decipher, does not contain a single correct assertion. I’ve always …
Shown here is a bladeless wind turbine that generates electricity from the vibrations the wind sets off in it. The company says it has plans to create a 140 meter turbine with a power capacity of 1 megawatt. Let’s do …
This article ostensibly helps the consumer make the right decision concerning a home wind turbine. Here’s the problem: the concept of small wind, i.e., wind products that generate amounts of electricity suitable for residential use, is not workable. Various attempts …
Virginia’s Dominion Energy has filed construction and operations plans to build a 2.64 GW offshore wind project, located 27 miles off the coast of Virginia Beach, to be completed in 2026. The project will make use of Dominion’s 12 MW …
There’s a report being passed around social media to the effect that the cost of fires in wind turbines could be as high as $9 million. Although I have no way to verify this, I can point out that there …
Question: There are at least three central problems with the idea put forth here, i.e., installing wind turbines under bridges. What are they? Answer: Can be found at Clean Energy Answers. Relevance: A great deal of thought goes into siting …
Here’s a video that will test your understanding of physics, if you don’t have a 5th or 6th grade education. It’s a wind turbine on a kite powered by eight motors that push the device into and through the wind …
Here’s a short video on a new wind turbine concept. A breakthrough? Ahhh…..no. This is bulls***, for three main reasons. a) Wind power is a function of the area of the turbine. Tiny turbines necessarily generate tiny amounts of power.