Occasionally I like to apply some mathematics to claims that are made about renewable energy technology. Pictured here is something called Kitepower, another variation on the theme that we’ve seen so many times over the years.
Occasionally I like to apply some mathematics to claims that are made about renewable energy technology. Pictured here is something called Kitepower, another variation on the theme that we’ve seen so many times over the years.
Campers in remote areas can charge their cell phone with this portable wind turbine. Two points: 1) On mountaintops, as shown in the video, this will work, but not in a place of low/no wind, like forests. 2) This competes …
A reader asks: How many windmills would we need per person to replace fossil fuels? How much room would this take up? In the United States, we consume 5.4 terawatts (5.4 * 1012 Watts). The average wind turbine is a …
Converting the Entirety of Americans’ Energy Use to Wind Read More »
Using small pieces of solar PV to run low-power devices is a good idea. Adding what could be called “nano-wind” (i.e., wind turbines even smaller than “micro-wind”) isn’t. All this does is add expense–both capital and operational.
Here’s what the inventor of a new wind turbine tells us in the video below: He’s standing in a wind speed of 3 – 4 mph (let’s call it 3.5). The device is 16′ high, and the blades start at …
Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy ha recibido condicionalmente un pedido de 100 unidades de sus nuevas turbinas eólicas SG 14-222 DD para el parque eólico de 1,4 GW Sofia Offshore en el Reino Unido. Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy has received a conditional permit …
In an effort to build taller wind turbines that take advantage of the superior conditions high above the Earth’s surface, GE has begun developing relationships with partners that will culminate in the 3D printing of the huge bases required to …
GE Working on 3D Printing Bases of Wind Turbines Read More »
It came as no surprise when the promoter of this small wind turbine was upset by my post the other day “Video on Small Wind,” in which I pointed out that his claims were preposterous. I began, “Will the wind …
Will the wind turbine here generate electricity? Yes. Will it do so cost-effectively? Not in a million years. • Vertical axis machines are intrinsically left efficient than their horizontal axis counterparts. • This device invokes drag rather than lift mechanics.
The developments in renewable energy over the last decade can be summed up as follows: the winners have won and the losers have lost. The plummeting costs of energy from solar and wind have put extreme pressure on things like …