American exceptionalism is a lowbrow concept, to be sure. There are no special rules that apply to the U.S. that don’t apply to the other nations of the world. In particular, it’s hard to imagine that God blesses America any …
American exceptionalism is a lowbrow concept, to be sure. There are no special rules that apply to the U.S. that don’t apply to the other nations of the world. In particular, it’s hard to imagine that God blesses America any …
In a recent post I wrote that I believe that ultimately it will be revealed that Trump has an unlovely relationship with Putin, perhaps only insofar as Trump worships Putin, and envies his position as absolute ruler. It’s true that …
“Theological heresy” may be too strong a phrase, but the point made here is a strong one. The idea that God favors American endeavors above those of the French or the Croatians is just plain stupid.
“America First” and “Make America Great Again” are the two most prominent slogans of Trump and his supporters. Once could argue that they’re not too much worse than “God Bless America,” because it too suggests that there is something exceptional, …
“America First”–Racist, Nationalist Since Its Inception Read More »
As suggested in this photo, “America First” has origins of dubious moral character. Might be a good time for all of us, whether we wear red hats, yarmulkes, or burkas, to focus on what’s ethically right, decent, and compassionate. It’s …
Though I try to stay away from religious issues, I thought I’d publish the thoughts offered by one Kristin Higgins at the left, because they are so well expressed, and, in my mind, so spot-on. It seems that Christianity has …