One thing we can observe about Aristotle’s writings from our modern standpoint is that we got a whole bunch of stuff wrong, and the quote at left is a good example. In fact, this specific quote was parodied by someone …
One thing we can observe about Aristotle’s writings from our modern standpoint is that we got a whole bunch of stuff wrong, and the quote at left is a good example. In fact, this specific quote was parodied by someone …
Saptadip Pramanik submits this question and asserts that the answer is Aristotle. Yes, he wrote “De Motu Animalia,” or, in English: “On the Motion of Animals.” But most of what he put forward there turned out to be simply incorrect. …
Much speculation has gone into pinning down exactly where American education fell off the rails. We might infer that Aristotle would point to how our teachers are both underpaid and rendered impotent in establishing order in the classroom.
Aristotle brings up a most interesting point here. A college friend of mine used to go off alone into the mountains for weeks at a time during vacations, which fulfilled him greatly. I tried it once shortly after we graduated, …
A reader asked me if I feel sorry for the billions of people believed to be burning in hell because they had the bad luck to be born on this Earth before the birth of Christ, and thus were unable …
As Aristotle taught us, these accounts can’t both be true. It makes one wonder: Who’s lying? Here’s a hint, provided by a reader: The owner of the franchise is an animal killer. Kills elephants & other trophy animals for fun. …
As we make our way through the most pathetic few years in U.S. history, let me offer you the meme to the left. The person who posted this saw no irony, even though I wonder whom he would name as …
What Jefferson said here sounds good until you put it in the context of what other philosophers have said on friendship, and think about how it applies, or fails to, in our own lives. Aristotle, for example, argued for the …
As Aristotle pointed out 2300 years ago in his law of non-contraction, two thoughts that oppose one another cannot both be true. Given that, consider the following two assertions:
The reader who asked earlier about wearable solar PV clarifies: I agree with you that the direction for these threads for wearable power generation is a dead end or at least a very low power, niche market. My thought has …