In the discussion we have running here following my post “Trump’s Impact on the U.S. Economy Has Lots of Interesting Turns and Twists,” we get into the concept of ideology and what it means to be an ideologue. Apparently, this …
In the discussion we have running here following my post “Trump’s Impact on the U.S. Economy Has Lots of Interesting Turns and Twists,” we get into the concept of ideology and what it means to be an ideologue. Apparently, this …
We often talk about the imperative to bring electrification to the rural parts of the developing world. Energy is a gateway to education, and education is a gateway to prosperity, environmental conservation, as well as stronger and smaller families. This …
There were two stories in our news last week that bear notice. One was the discovery of a mass grave in Kenya in which the bodies date back 12,000 years. It was clear that these people met their demise in …
What an Archeological Dig in Kenya and Bernie Sanders Have in Common Read More »
What a great time to be alive. Just when the world’s people needed a reminder that their viewpoints still matter, it appears that we’re about to see this play itself out. In particular, the people of the United States (often …
From a colleague: In his interview with Vox, Bernie Sanders says, “Are the scientists right or are they wrong? If they are right they’re telling us that the planet Earth will be 5 to 10 degrees warmer by the end …
If you like self-styled people who don’t ask permission to do what they think is right, you have to live in awe of the state of Vermont. The presence of Bernie Sanders in the U.S. senate (pictured) is proof enough, …
What the Sierra Club has done with its “Beyond Coal” campaign is pretty impressive, making a huge swath of the American public aware of the health and environmental issues associated with coal-fired power plants – not only their CO2 emissions, …
Sierra Club’s “Beyond Coal” Public Education Campaign Is Just the Start Read More »
Commenting on my post on Bernie Sanders’ article on renewable energy, frequent commenter Tim Kingston writes: (We) need to have nuclear in the mix. Try powering a steel mill or an aluminum smelter with solar panels and wind turbines. Good …