In conversations with senior energy analysist Glenn Doty, he’s warned me of the dangers of promoting ideas like “Mother Nature,” or other suggestions to the effect that the planet is animated by a kind of spirit that protects it from …
In conversations with senior energy analysist Glenn Doty, he’s warned me of the dangers of promoting ideas like “Mother Nature,” or other suggestions to the effect that the planet is animated by a kind of spirit that protects it from …
Report from an Intergovernmental panel on climate change has shown that climate system of the earth is getting warmer and warmer due to human contributions. As the level carbon dioxide increases, more heat is generated in the surface thus raising …
Apparently, Al Gore lives large, and lugs with him a huge personal carbon footprint wherever he goes; we’ve been hearing about this more or less constantly since his 2006 documentary “An Inconvenient Truth” became a considerable box-office success. In fact, …
My dear friend (and very first marketing consulting client, back in 1985) Terry Ribb writes that she takes heart in the progress that Sweden has made in committing to renewables. I thought I would publish the conversation that she and …
The U.S. Has Role Models for Sustainability and Civility All Over the Globe Read More »
There are plenty of ways to offset your carbon emissions. You can switch to an electric car and lower the amount of carbon you produce by a long way. You can also start a garden in the back yard and …
A Contributed Post: Going Greener with a Greenhouse–How to Get Started Read More »
Question: In the United States in 2012, what percentage of the power that came on to the grid was renewable? Answer: Can be found at . Relevance: Renewable energy has a long way to go if it is to …