Protecting the natural environment is one of the most important things we do in our lives. Gardening is good for your health as well as for the environment.
Protecting the natural environment is one of the most important things we do in our lives. Gardening is good for your health as well as for the environment.
The world that we live in is being stripped of its treasured components day by day. It faces multiple issues that lead to environmental problems which cause long-term destruction. The lifestyle of man plays a significant role in how the …
I thought I’d publish this map of the world, created by the Metropolitan Art Museum, enabling you to get a glimpse of life on Earth if the planet warms 4°C, an extremely likely scenario. As we’ve often said, there will be …
Here’s What’s Happening In Your World…When It’s 4°C Hotter Read More »
In May 2017, President Trump made an announcement that he would be withdrawing the United States from the Paris Agreement, an agreement created by the United Nations that deals with climate change. The agreement aims to decrease greenhouse gas emissions …
It’s hard to think of a more enviable career than photographer for the 130-year-old National Geographic, published continuously since its first issue in 1888, consisting largely of articles about science, geography, history, and world culture. Imagine being paid to have experiences …
National Geographic on the Melting of the Arctic Icecap Read More »
Question: According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) what percent of the contiguous United States has become, due to climate change, suitable breeding habitat for mosquitoes that are capable of transmitting the Zika, dengue, and chikungunya viruses?
It is easy to fall into the trap of thinking about environmental concerns in abstract terms.
We’ve all seen Donald Trump’s tweets that use the snap of cold weather in the Eastern U.S. to ridicule the idea of global warming, and we’ve seen how this is immediately attacked as “ignorant.”
In most cases in our human experiences, births are regarded as blessed events, as a bouncing baby boy or girl is brought into the world.