Recent surveys suggest that about 60% of Americans disapprove of the Trump administration. But does this translate into a “hatred” of our country? Perhaps in a few cases. But at least 95% of this 60% would say that, though we’re …
Recent surveys suggest that about 60% of Americans disapprove of the Trump administration. But does this translate into a “hatred” of our country? Perhaps in a few cases. But at least 95% of this 60% would say that, though we’re …
Here’s a gag that could apply at any point in our modern history, but it’s particularly timely now, given our concerns about Merrick Garland and the invisible set of procedures that are supposedly taking place within the walls of the …
Imagine you’re a high school administrator. The children in your charge are miffed that their schools have become killing fields, but that anger pales in comparison to the rage they feel that the grownups charged with the duty to keep …
Students Risk Punishment for Joining Gun Control Protests Read More »
Here’s a good essay question that could be a part of a college entrance application: Given the facts presented on the left, which country would you suspect has a stronger democracy?
It’s the birthday of French aristocrat Alexis de Tocqueville who came to the U.S. about half a century after it was formed to observe and critique its fledgling democracy. Amazed with what he saw, he wrote in his book Democracy in America (1835): “There …
Alexis de Tocqueville Would Have Written: “Oligarchy in America” Read More »
It’s the birthday of the father of American public education, Horace Mann, who left us with this: “Education is our only political safety. Outside of this ark, all is deluge.”
I just started a fine historic novel that my brother gave me for Christmas, The Hangman’s Daughter; the first 100 pages are really good. In addition to the story itself, a murder mystery set in mid-17th Century Bavaria, the author …
A friend of mine has a T-shirt that defines the word “patriotism” as “not letting our leaders ruin our country by ignoring the principles on which it was founded.” Food for thought as we go into the 4th of July …
Feeling Patriotic? Why Not Let Your Voice Be Heard? Read More »