Most of what these people claim about their wave energy generation machine may be correct. The part about “low cost,” however, is dead wrong, which is why the world has given up on this and all other forms of hydrokinetics, …
Most of what these people claim about their wave energy generation machine may be correct. The part about “low cost,” however, is dead wrong, which is why the world has given up on this and all other forms of hydrokinetics, …
Here’s a video showing how a water wheel can generate electricity from a fast-running river. Is this BS? It depends on how you define “BS.” It will generate electricity to be sure. Will it do so cost-effectively? Not in a …
Well, let’s start with an easier question: Is there a $4 billion wave energy market? The answer: No. Not now, not ever. Why? Because the levelized cost of energy from wave energy is outrageously high, and it will never become …
Should You Invest in an Entrant in the “$4 Billion Wave Energy Market?” Read More »
OMG! I think I interviewed this guy for a chapter in my second book, “Is Renewable Really Doable?” He’s a college professor, overseeing a team of graduate students that is working on raising the efficiency of hydrokinetic devices. No, on …
Extracting the kinetic energy out of flowing water, aka hydrokinetics, can take many forms. Take a look at the video linked here and tell me what you think. Does inserting the device partially into the water seem like a good …
When I come across an idea like this, one that requires angel investment to bring this new concept in ocean wave energy into fruition, a project that is clearly asinine, I ask myself: Is this fraudulent? Are these people simply …
What To Make About This Concept In Ocean Wave Energy? Read More »
It’s amazing that both the homeowner and the architect thought that a design, built as it is around stubbing toes, was a solid idea. This is the advice I give people who want to build energy generation systems centered around …
There’s No Law That Says You Can’t Do It, But Why? Read More »
Some of the short videos on the pros and cons of renewable energy that I made back in 2012 have gotten a decent number of views; the one below has over 166K. Unfortunately, most of these people aren’t exactly the …
Here’s a renewable energy concept that I’ve been seeing here and there over the past decade. It’s a means by which a city can generate clean electricity from the water flowing under streets through pipes.
If you’re tiring of my posts on asinine/fraudulent renewable energy concepts, skip this one. Contrast this water wheel concept in hydrokinetics against the photo above and see if you can see any difference. I love inventors who use terms like kilowatts per …