Tag: Immigration Reform

Someone sent me this, noting: I’ll make ’em a casserole first night and show ’em all the good places to shop. At the bottom of every discussion on immigration reform are people, human beings who have lived rich, complicated lives, …

Attention: Human Beings At Stake Here Read More »

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It’s such a different experience having Trump out of office. Obviously, there are people who resent Biden’s policies re: infrastructure, environmental responsibility, taxation, immigration reform, foreign policy, and perhaps even pandemic response.  But I would imagine that even most of …

Biden Presents Americans–And the World–a Whole New Experience Read More »

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Here’s a discussion with a reader who notes: We are greatly encouraged by certain political figures to seek unity, something I’m in favor of. I think it’s just a matter of finding things we can agree on, in a bipartisan …

An Attempt to Achieve Political Unity Read More »

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I’m happy to report that my alma mater Trinity College welcomed U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) and Igor Volsky, the founder and executive director of Guns Down America, to a Gun Violence Prevention Forum last month.

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A reader submits: (We) conservatives can’t understand the attitude that our borders should be open to everyone who wants to come here, whenever they wish. We consider that a country without borders is not a country at all. 

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Here’s an astute and very fair note in response to my recent post The Solar Industry Takes a Hit, But It’s Not Alone from commenter “Wayne”: As a painter in Southern California for almost 40 years, I have witnessed an overwhelming invasion …

Note on Immigration Reform Read More »

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