Tag: indictments against Trump

I’m surprised to see this pabulum from George Clooney.  It’s not incorrect, but it’s an extremely bland statement as to what’s going on here. All U.S. elections are about progressives, who, by definition, want to move our country forward, and conservatives …

The Horrible Truths We Face in the U.S. November Presidential Election Read More »

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It’s all speculation.  Making a call to a hotel on January 5th is perhaps an important start, but it’s not going to get the job done. Our main hope lies in the pressure being applied to those who were involved …

How Close Are We To Indictments Against Trump? Read More »

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Here’s a video in which former federal prosecutor Glenn Kirschner argues, “No jurisdiction (Georgia, Southern District of New York, the federal government) wants to be the first to indict an ex-president but everyone wants to be the second.” Thus, when …

Why No Indictments Against Trump? Read More »

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As pointed out here, news rating are significantly down since Trump left office, and anyone can guess why: Trump brought viewers from both ends of the spectrum.  Progressives had a morbid sense of curiosity as to what vile, cruel, or …

From the Washington Post: Trump Predicted News Ratings Would ‘Tank If I’m Not There.’ He Wasn’t Wrong. Read More »

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