Recent surveys suggest that about 60% of Americans disapprove of the Trump administration. But does this translate into a “hatred” of our country? Perhaps in a few cases. But at least 95% of this 60% would say that, though we’re …
Recent surveys suggest that about 60% of Americans disapprove of the Trump administration. But does this translate into a “hatred” of our country? Perhaps in a few cases. But at least 95% of this 60% would say that, though we’re …
I would guess that the percentage of Americans who believe that our system of justice is broken runs north of 90%. But many people tie our system of justice to whatever political party happens to be in power at the …
It looks like the majority of Americans are thrilled to see the ushering in of an administration that features an alcoholic Fox News host running the Pentagon, an anti-vaxxer crackpot supervising our health, a statutory rapist sitting atop U.S. law …
Perhaps it’s easiest to identify what American voters do not value: truth vs. lies, knowledge vs. ignorance, rule of law, fair treatment of minority groups, environmental sustainability, and democracy. It would be comforting to think that the outcome of this …
What the Results of the 2024 Election Taught Us about Ourselves Read More »
In 2023, the United States received an 83 on a scale from 0 to 100 on the Freedom Awards, from an organization called “FreedomHouse.” That placed us #17 of the 200+ sovereign nations on Earth. Not bad, but what would …
Americans Like to Think of Their Country as Free, But Get This Read More »
Here, Scottish economist and philosopher Adam Smith presents one reason that guilty people need to be punished for their crimes. 250 years later, the United States faces this dilemma: Either try, convict, and incarcerate Donald Trump for the numerous felonies …
Unless you’re a seditionist and/or hard-core religious zealot, these are not good times for America.
We hear people ask, “Why can’t progressives play as dirty as today’s GOP?” The best answer is that it’s not an option. You either act fairly and honestly, or you’re just a different flavor of a political party of thugs …
There are only two outcomes for America at this point. We either a) hold Trump and his criminal allies accountable, and restore rule of law, or b) we don’t, and face at least a few decades of lawlessness. Once democracy …
In their predictable fashion, Republicans are trying to pretend that the Insurrection never happened, or that it was peaceful and uneventful. If that’s how these dishonest cowards want to play this going into their primaries, there’s nothing anyone can do …