Here’s a thought I wanted to share; it had never entered my head before. Good people are motived by the well-being of others. Achieving sustainability will be impossible in the absence of this approach to living.
Here’s a thought I wanted to share; it had never entered my head before. Good people are motived by the well-being of others. Achieving sustainability will be impossible in the absence of this approach to living.
It would be comforting to know that there are elements in our society that are likely to improve our lives, to make them safer, more productive, and more sustainable. Apparently, the author of the meme here is having trouble thinking …
A few years back, I attended a breakfast meeting at the New York Press Club at which Amy Goodman spoke. And, to be sure, she’s no megaphone for the corporate-owned media. I told her later that I considered her one …
Amy Goodman, a Voice for Freedom, Equality, Science, Sustainability, and Peace Read More »
We’re intelligent, but that’s not our only attribute. We’re also cruel, selfish, subject to demagoguery, neurotic, superstitious, tribal, and indifferent to the suffering of others. We know that the path we’re on is completely unsustainable, but most of us simply …
There are over 12,000 blog posts here, perhaps 1000 of which contain memes of someone else’s creation. This is the first one of my own.
What a fabulous thought here. It’s a shame that the bulk of Western Civilization is 180 degrees opposed to this worldview. And as long as that’s the case, our capacity to reach a sustainable way of life will remain elusive.
I “dream” of it too, in the sense that I used to dream I could fly when I was a kid. Seriously, don’t hold your breath. Of the three, sustainability has the best chance of becoming a topic of conversation. …
Sustainability Just Might Become an Important Objective Read More »
Using hydrogen as a fuel source may bring back unpleasant memories of the Hindenberg Disaster in 1937, but our technology has evolved quite a bit since then. Today, hydrogen fuel cells are self-contained, emit water and oxygen as their only …
From Guest Blogger Jane Marsh: The Role of Fuel Cell Technology in Disaster Recovery Read More »
The little girl here makes an important point. Obviously all lives matter, but black lives didn’t matter for 350 years, and it’s time to turn that around. That some people find this controversial is sickening. When George Floyd was murdered, …