Tag: take a cool guess

Question: From the Wall Street Journal: Texas’s deregulated electricity market, which was supposed to provide reliable power at a lower price, left millions in the dark last week. For two decades, its customers have paid more for electricity than state residents …

Take a Cool Guess—The Fun Quiz on Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability. Today’s Topic: Texas’s Deregulated Electricity Market Cost Residents More Than the Loss of Power Read More »

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Question: The years 2016 – 2020 saw a huge exodus of scientific experts at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, due to firings, re-assignments, and simply leaving out of frustration, seeing that science itself had been demoted to a lower role, …

Take a Cool Guess—The Fun Quiz on Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability. Today’s Topic: EPA Lost Hundreds of Scientists Read More »

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Question: Donald Pols and Channa Samkalden are top bananas in the Dutch environmental organization Milieudefensie.  Why are they so happy? Answer: Can be found at Clean Energy Answers. Relevance:  Allowing Big Oil to ravage our planet and its people with …

Take a Cool Guess—The Fun Quiz on Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability. Today’s Topic: A Bit of Oil-Related Justice Read More »

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Question: 2019 was the first year the U.S. consumed more renewable energy than coal since what year? Answer: Can be found at Clean Energy Answers. Relevance:  Hint: Burning wood was the main energy resource until the advent of electricity, at …

Take a Cool Guess—The Fun Quiz on Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability. Today’s Topic: U.S. Coal Consumption Read More »

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Question: There are at least three central problems with the idea put forth here, i.e.,  installing wind turbines under bridges.  What are they? Answer: Can be found at Clean Energy Answers. Relevance:  A great deal of thought goes into siting …

Take a Cool Guess—The Fun Quiz on Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability. Today’s Topic: Wind Turbine Placement Read More »

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Question: The first and second laws of thermodynamics conspire to make perpetual motion impossible.  But suppose you’re like me, and you like to examine claims like the one below and identify precisely where they fall apart.  What’s the exact reason …

Take a Cool Guess—The Fun Quiz on Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability. Today’s Topic: Perpetual Motion Read More »

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Question: For the first time in its history, Scientific American is endorsing a candidate for the U.S. presidency.  In what year was the magazine first published? Who was president at the time? Answer: Can be found at Clean Energy Answers.

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Question:  Only one of the following five statements is correct.  Which one is wrong? a) Global warming is decreasing scientists capacity to predict the strength and direction of hurricanes. b) Global warming is increasing the frequency of hurricanes. c) Global …

Take a Cool Guess—The Fun Quiz on Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability. Today’s Topic: Global Warming and Hurricanes Read More »

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Question: The Greenland Ice Sheet lost almost 600 billion tons of ice last year.  How much sea-level rise did that cause? Answer (along with calculations): Can be found at Clean Energy Answers.

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Question: What’s shown in the photo here? Answer: Can be found at Clean Energy Answers.

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