Tag: Trump obstruction

Based on 142 interviews that C-Span conducted with U.S. historians in their periodic project to rank our presidents from best to worst, Trump came in fourth from last, as illustrated below. Before continuing, let me admit that I know very …

C-Span: Trump Ranks Fourth Worst U.S. President Read More »

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When will this cease? That’s not a rhetorical question. At what point will Trump knock off the stolen election narrative, and simply go away (hopefully to prison)? I predict that at a certain point, Trump will be completely discredited, and …

Trump To Be Discredited Read More »

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Oh, I don’t think anyone’s giving up on him.  In the first place, most of his supporters are still behind him. In addition, he has hundreds of criminal prosecutors at the federal, state and city levels who are working tirelessly …

Don’t You Fret, No One’s Giving Up on Trump Read More »

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We have no choice but to prosecute Trump once he’s out of office.  If we don’t, we’ll be issuing an open invitation for the next would-be dictator, and the next one couldn’t possibly be this incompetent. We really don’t have …

Prosecuting Trump? Read More »

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The conversation among progressives as I post this, in the middle of the day after the U.S. presidential election, where a Biden victory looks probable but uncertain, goes roughly like this: Looks like Biden squeaked by, but what we’ve learned …

GOP Demands Four More Years of National Disgrace and Degradation Read More »

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Whoever created the meme here nailed it.  Shouldn’t that be enough? Sure, we can talk about all the lies, the cruelty, the environmental irresponsibility, obstruction, extortion, the dictators, our allies, tax fraud, bank fraud, campaign finance violations, and negligent homicide. …

Political Simplicity Read More »

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