Tag: Trump witness intimidation

Clearly, the Republican platform “we’re tough on crime” doesn’t apply to things like fraud, extortion, witness intimidation, election tampering, inciting insurrection/sedition conspiracy, and theft of classified documents.  

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There is no reason not to believe what Trump’s niece says here. If he gets away with election tampering, inciting an insurrection, and stealing classified documents, not to mention fraud, extorsion, witness intimidation, etc., he will be empowered to take …

Where Trump’s Going from Here Read More »

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My mom no longer supports Trump, but she’s quite confident that the legal attacks against him are purely political in motive.  She asked me the other day what the charges of insurrection have to do with the FBI raid, and, …

Indicting Trump Read More »

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“I’ll never understand how Trump’s mocking the disabled reporter wasn’t the end,” said one observer. It truly was astonishing that Trump went on to become a president, one who would tell more than 30,000 lies over four years, survive two …

Trump Continues To Astound Read More »

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Based on 142 interviews that C-Span conducted with U.S. historians in their periodic project to rank our presidents from best to worst, Trump came in fourth from last, as illustrated below. Before continuing, let me admit that I know very …

C-Span: Trump Ranks Fourth Worst U.S. President Read More »

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A reader commented on the photo here as follows: I wish he (Trump) could die. I don’t. Sure, he richly deserves punishment, but I care far more about the fate of this country than I do about the justice that …

“I Wish Trump Could Die” Read More »

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When will this cease? That’s not a rhetorical question. At what point will Trump knock off the stolen election narrative, and simply go away (hopefully to prison)? I predict that at a certain point, Trump will be completely discredited, and …

Trump To Be Discredited Read More »

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We have no choice but to prosecute Trump once he’s out of office.  If we don’t, we’ll be issuing an open invitation for the next would-be dictator, and the next one couldn’t possibly be this incompetent. We really don’t have …

Prosecuting Trump? Read More »

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