Tag: Trump’s Lies

From NPR:  “All authoritarian leaders have cults of personality,” said Ruth Ben-Ghiat, professor of history at New York University and author of Strongmen: Mussolini to the Present. “Meaning, they propose themselves as all-powerful, as the only solution possible to the nation’s …

Trump as an Authoritative Leader Read More »

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At this point in his career, John Boehner has the luxury of being able to tell the truth, since he’s no longer a viable Republican political candidate. Isn’t that, in and of itself, disgusting?  As long as you have even …

Republicans Find Themselves in a Terrible Position Read More »

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Perhaps four years ago would have been a better time to make this point, but isn’t it amazing how this guy just spews out bald-faced lies? If I wanted to say I got an A in quantum mechanics when I …

Trump’s Lies Are from Another World Read More »

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