Good Ideas in Sustainability Need to Contemplate the Laws of Nature

Are you one of the many Americans jacked out of shape by this country’s supposed “slide into socialism?”  If so, there may be far better places to look for evidence of this trend than whatever differences may divide present-day Democrats and Republicans. In particular, have you ever thought about the G. W. Bush Administration’s No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 – whose very title and mission statement suggests a wholesale redistribution of educational resources onto the least talented kids?

Think of what Darwin would have asked us from his grave:

Are you idiots thinking about taking the very law that governs life in the universe, turning it upside down, and thinking this will somehow represent an improvement? And now, a few years later, you’re complaining that you’re profoundly ill-equipped to compete economically in the 21st Century?   Sorry, but if that’s the depth of your understanding of the natural laws, one of which I handed you 150 years ago, you’ve gotten exactly what you deserved.

Kidding aside, who but a politician would suggest that no child be left behind? Out of tens of millions of schoolkids, shouldn’t the lowest 10% or so be deliberately left behind, out of favor to the other 90%?  This isn’t a philosophic argument; we seem to have lost grasp on the most basic concepts of science.

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