From Guest Blogger Jason Harter: Four Ways to Reduce Pollution in the Environment

Everyone these days is worried about global warming and the depletion of the ozone layer, but what are any of us doing to stop it? Pollution levels to our environment are at an all time high, but awareness is rising almost as fast as that pollution level. We know about the problem, but do we know about the solution? Take a look at this article that maps out a few ways that anyone can help to reduce the pollution that is destroying the environment that we live in.1. What car do you drive?
If you say you are concerned about the environment but then drive off into the sunset in your Hummer H3, you might need to reevaluate your priorities. Sell that gas guzzling vehicle and trade it in for a smaller car that has lower gas mileage, but also works for the functional purposes in your life.2. Do you really need to drive there?
Even if you do have a car with low gas mileage, it is still a detriment to the environment if you drive it hundreds of miles a week. Try to think of the times where you can walk or bike to where you are going. It will give you a little extra exercise while helping to save the environment.

3. Recycle, both conventionally and non-conventionally.
The first step to this suggestion is making sure that you are putting plastics, glassware, and paper products in your recycling bin. Whether you live somewhere that picks up recycling curbside or somewhere that you have to take your recycling somewhere yourself, take the time for your environment. Aside from conventional recycling, try to incorporate up-cycling into your life. Take things that you would normally throw away and find new uses for them.

4. Don’t litter!
This one seems life a no-brainer, but the amount of litter that sits on our streets has come to an appalling level. Make sure that, when you have trash, that it goes in the trash can. Also, you can start trying to pick up after others who do not care about the environment quite as much as you do. If you see trash laying on sidewalks or streets, try to be a good Samaritan to the environment and pick up the trash that you see. The environment will thank you!

Keep in mind that these are only a few of the hundreds of thousands of ways that you can keep our environment healthier.

Author Jason Harter is a healthcare administrator in the sustainability department of his hospital. Not only does Jason’s hospital make it a priority to run the hospital sustainably, but also promote green lifestyles to patients as a way to increase their health. Jason obtained his degree from one of the Top 10 Best Online Healthcare MBA Degree Programs
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