The Endless Variety of Hydrokinetic Devices

The Endless Variety of Hydrokinetic Devices

For the reader who, for whatever reason, may be on a quest to check out every conceivable variation on the theme of extracting the kinetic energy out of moving water, here is Atlantis.  Note that a great deal of discussion refers to R&D in 2002 and 2006.  Not to sound cynical, but I think there is a reason for that, and it doesn’t bode well for their investors and other fans of this type of technology.

My guess: this type of device was “all the rage” ten years ago, before the hard times came.  What hard times?

• The realization that such devices represent endless challenges in environmental consequences and survivability issues.

• The recognition that the amount of power available is far more limited than was at first imagined, due to among other things,  the large and inescapable cost of transmitting the energy to shore.

• The fact that government bureaucracy is tougher in aquatic environments than it is on land.

• The incredible drop in costs of solar and wind.

I’m afraid the forces of time and R&D in the energy space generally have conspired to bring an end to concepts like these.

As always, however, I’m willing to be wrong; in fact, I hope I am.  If anyone has a comment, I’d love to hear it.





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