Destroying the Earth for Profit

Destroying the Earth for ProfitMy colleague Walter Feuchs wrote the following about the Smithsonian Institution and the Koch brothers.  I can only add that I’m flattered that Walter likes my slogan (the title of this post); I’m delighted that he makes frequent use of it.

In September 2014, the Smithsonian Institute announced it would conduct tours of U.S. innovations. America once ranked #1, and has slipped to 5th.

I had suggested echoing in part an exhibit that was the most successful in the history of the Institution. The public had to order tickets, a first. That was 1988.

The exhibit was centered on the work of architect Frank Lloyd Wright. Included was an 1800 sf Usonian house. Eight cities hosted the exhibit.

The technology employed was never revealed as to how a structure could be assembled/disassembled so easily and quickly. The “panelized” technology is many times stronger than a typical American house, and far more energy efficient, and is recyclable.

The Smithsonian had no interest whatever. I learned that the Koch brothers played a role in not wanting the public to know about the efficacy of this platform technology, especially the newer version with embedded photovoltaic properties.

I sent the Smithsonian’s new Secretary an email, which he ignored. It’s sad that an Institution we believe to be above reproach, can be “bought” by entrenched interests.

It could be that Google will inform the international community that innovation in combating climate change and creating inestimable “green” jobs is cost effective and based on U.S. innovations, that in part date to the 1930’s, plus an abundance of “common sense”.

(We all need to) expose the Koch brothers’ shenanigans and the cost to the U.S. economy and green job loss. Their slogan should be “Destroying the Earth for Profit”.  

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