Scientists Should Actively Try To Disprove the Theory of Global Warming and Climate Change

Studies on Global Warming

Re: my post pointing out that 10,883 out of 10,885 peer-reviewed scientific studies in 2013 concluded that global warming is real and caused by humans, frequent commenter MarcoPolo writes: I’m sure it’s not your intention, but what you are suggesting would censor, or deter all debate, whether scientific or political.

I don’t resent climate scientists’ exploring this issue and trying to disprove the theory; that’s the way that all science is advanced. I’m no more in favor of doggedly holding on to a broken theory re: the climate than I am to a broken theory about the cause or treatment of cancer. I do, however, resent people who know nothing about the subject, e.g., the climate deniers in the U.S. Congress, shills for the oil companies, disseminating gibberish that has the effect of blocking progress to solutions to a problem that has the potential to cause mass extinction on the planet.

As a person of conscience, you should hold the same resentment.


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2 comments on “Scientists Should Actively Try To Disprove the Theory of Global Warming and Climate Change
  1. marcopolo says:

    Unfortunately, that’s the price you pay for free speech and democracy !

    For myself, it’s a price I am happy to pay ! But, it’s not just those whom you castigate as being unworthy to express their opinions. ie: “climate deniers in the U.S. Congress, shills for the oil companies”, guilty of uttering gibberish.

    Extremist environmentalists, those who had turned “climate science’ into a sort of religious cult, the old socialist-left who see green as a disguise to further a red agenda, and other cranks, and political opportunists.

    The cacophony of these advocates, is equally lacking in any scientific knowledge or basis.

    Humans have always stood at the brink of extinction. From time immemorial, there has always been some gloomy sage, some prophet of doom, salivating at the thought of Armageddon !

    Yet, our species, imperfect as it is, always seems to survive, prosper and progress. Not always easily, and with many mistakes, but we do survive and progress.

    We need the resources and economic wealth creation of the oil companies, mining industry etc. Without these corporations, we can’t generate the massive investment new technologies require. Only these industries possess the resources to effect change. It’s the politicization of environmental issues that’s counter-productive.

    Calling anyone a ” Climate Denier ” , is a regrettable choice of expression. Not only does it display a contempt for the opinions of others, by deliberately comparing them to those who deny the Holocaust, you lessen the effectiveness of the term to describe those who would dismiss the truly horrific events committed by the Nazi’s (and others) who pursued genocidal practices.

    Those victims deserve more respect than to witness a term reserved for their unique circumstances, to be diluted by political point scoring ideologues.

    Extremism, whether by rightist troglodytes, or barking mad leftist ideologues, serves no useful purpose.

    Only pragmatism, and co-operation will ensure disruption is kept to minimum, and real progress can be achieved.

    But, that’s just my opinion……….