Manoj Bhargava: A Billionaire Who Truly “Gets It”

Manoj Bhargava: A Billionaire Who Truly “Gets It”Glenn Hastings asks: My team pitches at the Cleantech Open in Denver next Wednesday. Maybe we can get some funding to get some help from 2GreenEnergy. Craig, have you heard any information on “” or Manoj Bhargava (pictured) other than what is on his web page?

No, sorry.  But I have to say that I love the way the guy thinks.  First of all, it’s hard not to like someone who’s investing 99% of his net worth into the development of ideas that alleviate suffering. 

I also admire the clarity of his thinking. He says, e.g., “An expert is someone who knows everything there is to know about the past in a certain subject.  When you ask him about the future, he says, ‘Oh, that can’t be done.’  Then why exactly do I need him?  If all I can do in the future is what’s been done in the past, I don’t have a business.  Business is about creating the future.”

That’s extremely powerful stuff.

He’s also extremely well attuned to the importance of clean and ubiquitous energy, especially for the three billion people living on Earth with little or no access to electricity; he understands that this is the gating factor to prosperity, health and relief from misery, not to  mention family planning.

Good luck in your presentation!

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