Young People Are Anxious About Climate Change and Say Governments Are Failing Them

From this piece on climate change and our children’s reaction to it:

For a forthcoming study, researchers with the U.K.’s University of Bath and other schools spoke to 10,000 people in 10 countries, all of whom were between the ages of 16 and 25, to gauge how they feel about climate change. The prevailing response could be summed up in two words: incredibly worried.  And the respondents say governments aren’t doing enough to combat climate change.

Well, let’s be honest: this can hardly come as a surprise.  In addition to “incredibly worried” (or deeply pissed) there’s really only one other possible position for young people to have, and that’s some blend of ignorance and apathy.  There’s identically zero evidence that world governments are at all effective in climate change mitigation and adaptation.

On the positive side, many believe that all this animus among people is translating into action, i.e., demanding more governmental response.  The level of noise that at one point was coming from only a few of the Greta Thunbergs of the world is now in the process of becoming a deafening roar.



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