Trump Tells It Like It Is

The next presidential election is still almost a year from now, so we’ll have to wait a considerable length of time to see what happens. This is good news for the media, though it’s no minor disease for the mental health of most Americans, not to mention folks around the world.

That said, let’s examine a key data point that will be informing voters’ decisions. Over the coming few months, it will become clear, even to most of Trump’s current supporters, that the former president attempted to overthrow the U.S. government via his conduct after the 2020 election, leading up to, during, and after the J6 insurrection.

We will be exposed to mountains of evidence, including testimony from dozens of witnesses, that Trump was–and continues to be–engaged in a grossly illegal attempt to maintain power by overturning the results of a free and fair election.

Yes, there will be those who will still be impressed with Trump’s swagger as a political strongman, just like the sheep in the cartoon, but it’s unimaginable that he’ll be reelected after being proved to be a traitor to his country.

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One comment on “Trump Tells It Like It Is
  1. Scott McKie says:

    Only one problem with the critique — just remember that the last Presidential election was won by a few votes in the “swing pastures”.

    You have to “factor-in” the fact that “the gate to the sheep pasture is wide open”; and seems to be crammed with younger, multi- origin “somethings, that are:
    — not yet old enough;
    — still dumb enough;
    — don’t care about what the wolf will do to them’
    — just not smart at all —
    trying to get into the sheep pasture.

    if there are more sheep that vote- than all of the humans — the wolf wins.