Paul Scott Speaks on the Big Oil Companies


Here’s another in a series of interview snipets that I conducted with Paul Scott, vice president and co-founder of Plug-In America. Here, we discuss the concept that the big oil companies will fight electric transportation to the death.

Full 30-minute show on electric transportation here.

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One comment on “Paul Scott Speaks on the Big Oil Companies
  1. Abhishek says:

    The whole BP Oil Spill story has been one long list of failures,lies and ineptitude by all the major stakeholders involved.The Obama administration,BP and the Oil Regulator have all been guilty of incompetence,procrastination,finger pointing and cover-ups.BP had given a “60-70% success” to the “top kill” effort despite never having tested this kind of technique at such a depth.Another case of rosy projections without basis in fact.