Honoring Our Soldiers By Keeping Them Safe


As we pay our respects to America’s fallen soldiers this Memorial Day, let’s take a moment and remember what put so many of them in harm’s way in the first place: our dependence on oil.

While we’re at it, let’s keep in mind one more thing: Changing our energy policies will not come from Big Government and its corrupt relationship with Big Oil. If change does in fact happen, it will be driven by you and me, raising our voices and pointing out the reckless, criminal absurdity of our current approach to energy.

If you haven’t already done so, please take a moment and click here to tell your elected leaders how you as a tax-payer feel about shelling out tens of billions of dollars in annual subsidies to make the oil and coal companies even richer.


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One comment on “Honoring Our Soldiers By Keeping Them Safe
  1. I was going to post this in my “summer ops” blog but perhaps it is more pertinent here.
    While I do write to my elected representatives as often as I can on every issue that matters as far as energy is concerned, I have no faith in our government to do anything meaningful to change the situation for a variety of reasons. In all the years since I sat in line to get my weekly ration of gas I have not seen anything meaningful done yet and business in this country seems to always be fighting against any change for the better. Therefore I spend my energy actually doing things that make a difference to my personal energy usage because the only thing I can control for sure is me. I also always offer to share everything I learn with anyone who is interested. This is a business oriented supply and demand based society. It will not give up the status quo without a fight. The only certain way to effect change is for the consumers to change. I am a consumer who believes things should be different. That’s why I am changing the things I have control over.