Download Craig’s New Free Report – The Tough Realities of Marketing and Sales in Green Tech Businesses

I try to offer my observations and opinions on the widest possible range of subjects within the technology and politics of renewables. But, since I’ve been a marketing consultant for more than 25 years – largely to the Fortune-sized tech and industrial companies of the world: IBM, FedEx, Xerox, etc. — I tend to see marketing issues everywhere I look. Maybe I’m like the man with the hammer who views every problem as if it were a nail. My first inclination with my clients is normally to determine how marketing can be used to drive demand, revenue, and ultimately — profit.

I was thinking about this recently in terms of the “tough realities” theme, and decided to write down a few ideas in a short white paper I call The Tough Realities of Marketing and Sales in Green Tech Businesses.

I discuss a variety of things: how to build a business that transforms your customers’ lives, reaping the benefits of our wired world, how to identify your true target market, and finding cost-effective methods for generating demand.

Click the following link and download it – absolutely free:

The Tough Realities of Marketing and Sales in Green Tech Businesses.

All I ask is that you provide your honest feedback. If you find it valuable – or even if you don’t — please let me know. Thanks very much.