Short Videos on Smart-grid from 2GreenEnergy Associate Vijay Rochlani
I know I’ve mentioned 2GreenEnergy “Associate” Vijay Rochlani, who specializes in bringing clean energy to India, via his vast network of business connections. Recently, Vijay sent me this wonderful collection of short videos on smart-grid that point out some of the advantages of using IT to create efficiencies in the way electrical power is generated, transmitted, distributed and consumed.
The value of those efficiencies alone is nothing to sneeze at. Here in the U.S., smart-grid will mean a savings of over 25%, the equivalent carbon reduction of planting a forest the size of the State of Texas, or taking 130 million cars off the road. But of perhaps even greater importance is smart-grid’s promise as an enabler, allowing a greater penetration of renewables in the grid-mix.