Growing Organic Produce Indoors: An Amazing Use of Space, Water, Nutrients–And Human Capital

aeroponics and vertical harvestingWhen 2GreenEnergy supporter Brian McGowan sent me this wonderful piece on aeroponics and vertical harvesting, I realized in horror that it’s been over a year since I wrote anything on the subject.   I think I’ll let the ladies in the video linked here do most of the talking, but suffice it to say that this is a mode of growing fruits and vegetables that combines several different improvements in horticulture:

• Eliminates all chemical fertilizers and pesticides

• Increases the nutritional content of our food

• Provides food locally, within a few feet (or at most a couple of miles) from where it will be consumed

• Doesn’t rely on soil that is mineral-depleted and drought-stricken

• Greatly reduces the energy, normally provided by fossil fuels, that is associated with soil preparation, planting, harvesting, packing and shipping

• Uses a tiny fraction of the water traditionally required for irrigation

• Puts people to work in the local community (in this case, the developmentally disabled, 78% of whom are currently unemployed)

• Provides a way for a community (perhaps a troubled community) to come together for a common peaceful and productive purpose

That’s a lot to like.  I hope you’ll check it out.

Btw, I still have a piece on aeroponics and sustainable agriculture on our page for cleantech investment opportunities.

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One comment on “Growing Organic Produce Indoors: An Amazing Use of Space, Water, Nutrients–And Human Capital
  1. You certainly did manage to catch all the bullet points about this article. Each one important. I am thinking about how I can implement a smaller arrangement similar to this for myself.