From Guest Blogger Tara Gould: Solar Champions UK – Business, Community, Industry Pioneers
According to the DECC (Department for Energy and Climate Change) the UK is committed to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050. This emissions target, outlined in the Climate Change Act 2008, is legally binding. But judging from the behaviour of the British Government you’d be forgiven for thinking otherwise. David Cameron’s pledge to lead ‘the greenest government ever’ is in stark contrast to the recent Government cuts to renewable energy subsidies. Coupled with the Chancellor’s rhetoric which blatantly undermines green issues, and Tory Kowtowing to back bencher ‘Nimbies’ intent on disrupting the necessary growth of on shore wind power, Government intentions appear anything but green. The British public are losing faith too: according to a recent poll by Green Peace, only one in fifty members of the British public believe in Cameron’s pledge. (more…)