Talking About Clean Energy and Sustainability in Santa Barbara

Here’s the “teaser” for my talk this afternoon at the Santa Barbara Savvy Investors’ Club.  As implied here, I intend to make a wide-ranging presentation that gets into some philosophic stuff; I know this audience from past meetings, and I believe they’ll respond well.  We’ll see….

Our expanding population sports a growing hunger for energy, which, because it’s fed by fossil fuels, is ruining our planet’s ability to support most forms of life.  Yet, the concept of humankind’s dealing effectively with a challenge of this scale remains dubious at best.

And the situation here in the U.S. is plagued by something even thornier: the fossil fuel industries have a stranglehold on our decision-making.  Note that, after leading the world in the development of IT and communications in the 20th Century, America is committed to doing essentially nothing in terms of “new energy,” an industry that is obviously critically important in today’s world.  Not only are we not leading, we’re not even following very well; we’re trying to pretend it doesn’t exist.

Does this bode well?  Nope.  Not for American competitiveness in the 21st Century, nor for the quality of life facing our civilization.  But can we architect a soft landing?  This month’s speaker believes so.  He’ll explain why – and then he’ll go you one better: he’ll tell you – in the face of all this mess — where the pockets of true business opportunity lie.

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4 comments on “Talking About Clean Energy and Sustainability in Santa Barbara
  1. rwmarksev says:

    Sounds interesting. Will it be recorded?
    I think the green push is great but investors are mostly interested in short term money returns.
    I think the push for and adoption of EV’s will be because of cost savings they provide their purchasers. Until companies, like ours, can start producing affordable, save and versatile EV’s that will save 70% of operating costs, the EV market will be stalled out. But once these EV’s are available, no one is going to want a gas car.
    Let us all know how you and your messages are received!

  2. Ravindra Rao says:

    What you are saying about the US is true for the world. In every country there is only talk and no action. I wish someone listens to you. Vested interests are a barrier to sustainability. There are better opportunities in the filed of sustainability since in most areas technology has become obsolete and is also inconsistent with the 21st Century lifestyle. There is a great potential for new technology, new interesting jobs, new industry and more profits within the scope of sustainability.